Honey room
Honey is a precious product which needs extremely care: SerFruit has created a new honey room equipped with two heat rooms and with a new filtering plant that grants a perfect process in every step.
The honey needs to be heat at maximum 50° to avoid the precious sugars burnt.
SerFruit keep for 4 days the product in specifics heat rooms where, a controlled temperature air flow, makes the raw material, before dense and compact, a soft liquid ready for the following process step.
The liquefied honey is then softly pumped through inox steal filters, able to keep all the impurities but leaving intact all the pollens necessary to grant the density, the perfumes and the optimal nutrition characteristics.
Filtered honey is finally packed with a semi-automatic plant which provide the correct quantity of product for each pack
Thanks to the new technology, SerFruit is able to product 50 q of honey every 4 days.